Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Eve Party!

This was actually two days ago. My homefollowship had a New Year's Party cum Welcome back party for one of them who just came back form Aust. so here are all the pics.. It's pretty blur cuz I'm a "bad photographer" and it's not in order. Very sorry.

We got bored and decided to play CHEAT.

Everyone busy eating. Guess they must be really hungry..hehe

Have I made you all drool? XD

Fuyoh, so yeng!!

Was trying to snap aphoto of him with bunny ears.
Unfortunately didn't get to.


Friday, December 26, 2008


Have You Ever...

Seen an alien? Do aliens even exist?
Kissed a frog? Eeeeeewwwwwwwww...
Lost your keys? Maybe I have but I can't remember.
Hurt a friend? Well...yeah..
Helped somebody you didn't like?
Yup, but I couldn't stand longer than a month. Some of you might know who I'm talking about.
Received an award? Yes.
Yelled at your mom? I know it's kinda rude to do that....but yeah.
Snuck out of the house? Daren't
Ate Liver? That was one hell of an experience!! I spit it out the moment I put it in.
Played Golf in the rain? Never played golf b4.
Been to a rave? Wat is a rave?
Seen a Celebrity in person? 2. Since they're from my church
Dated someone more than 2 years older than you? Never dated anyone b4.
Read an entire book in one sitting? Yes!
Picked flowers? Ya.
Stomped on an ant On purpose? Hehe...did that too many times
Slept outside? Yes and I only got 3 hours of sleep
Shot a Gun? No.
Petted a Goat? Nah.
Held a Baby? I think...never?

Do You Like...

Hot fudge sundaes? I don't mind it
Sunny days? If it is not burning hot.
Sleeping on the floor? NO WAY!!!!
History class? A double, triple NO!
The actor Tom Cruise? Not really?
Writing with a pencil? It's fine wif me.
Chatting online with strangers? I've never chat online b4 but I don't like the idea.
Reading non-fiction books? Yup. Love it.
Chocolate chip cookies with milk? Don't fancy but like I said earlier I don't mind.
Flying on airplanes? Hmm.......
Riding on roller coasters? Errrr...not really I guess...
The TV show One Tree Hill? Never watch b4.
Eating ketchup with your hot dogs? Taste weird..
Playing with puppies? Their so cute...
Gazing at the stars? Get bored after 5 minutes.
Speaking in front of a large group of people? Whoa....!
Playing soccer? The refrees fovourite word would be OUT!!
Taking photographs of your friends? Yay...kacau ppl!
Collecting stamps? Used to.

What Do You Think About...

FOX News? First of all news is sometimes boring.
Michael Jackson? He scares me.
Celebrities who will not sign autographs? It's their right.
The TV Show America's Next Top Model? Cool....
Global warming? We better start saving earth?
The President George W. Bush? Eeerrrrrrrrr..
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Yummy

Do You Prefer...

Milk or Tea? Tea
Honey or Sugar? Honey
Writing or Typing? Mmm....both.
Love or Hate? Obviously!
Hugs or Kisses? Depends.
Romeo or Juliet? Pass.
Reading a book or Watching TV? TV
Myspace or Facebook? Have no idea wat those 2 are.( told you I'm a tech dumb)
Republicans or Democrats? Whatever.
Solitude or Peace? Peace?
Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom? Orlando.
BMW or Audi? No difference.
7-Up or Sprite? Both.
Children or Adults? (thinking)
Swimming or Sunbathing? Swimming.
Being asleep or Being awake? Asleep.
Night or Day? Day.

First Thing That Comes to Your Mind...

Cereal? Cornflakes
Blue? It is a colour.
Happy? It's hard to be sad when you r around frens!
TV? Resting device.
Katie Holmes? Tom Cruise's wife.
Grass? Green.
Sweater? Effective during cold nights or else it is a medium for sweating.
Taco Bell? What is that?
Hummer? A person who hums a song, right?
Soap Opera? HOOOOOOOOOR! ( in high pitch voice)
Simon Cowell? Particular but always right..well not always but most of the time.
Health? Go exercise & eat lots veg & fruits.
Work? Office?
Popcorn? Movies.

Your Favorite...
Website? Dunno.
Place to hang out with friends? Shopping mall.
Bookstore? MPH.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gift Exchange

Roy Collette and his brother-in-law, Larry Kunkel exchanged the same pair of pants as a Christmas present for 23 years. Each year the package became hareder to open.

It all began when Larry gave Roy a pair of moleskin pants. Roy wore it 3 times, wrapped it up and gave it back to Larry. This annual friendly gift exchange continued until one day when Roy twisted the pants, stuffed it into a 3 foot long, 1 inch wide tube ( about 90cm x 2cm...I'm not really sure but it is something like that, I guess) and gave them back to Larry. The following Christmas, Larry compressed the pants into a 7 inch square, wrapped it in wire and gave them back to Roy. The following year, Roy put the pants into a 2 foot square crate filled with stones, nailed it shut, banded it with steel, and gave the trousers back to Larry. When it was Larry's turn, he mounted the pants inside an insulated window that had a 20 year guarantee and shipped it to Roy. Roy managed to break the glass and recover the pants. Next Roy stuffed them into a 5 inch coffee can, soldered it shut and put it in a 5 gallon container filled with concrete and reinforcing rods and gave it to Larry. The next Christmas, Larry installed the pants into a 225 pound homemade steel ashtray made from 8 inch steel casing, etched Roy's name on the side. Roy had some trouble opening it but he managed to retrieve the pants (without burning it) by using a cutting torch. Roy found and hauled a 600 pound safe to a shipping department. They decorated it with red and green stripes, put the pants inside and welded the safe shut. The safe was then shipped to Larry. The following year, the pants were trucked in the drab green, 3 foot cube that was once a car with 95 000 miles in it. A note attached to to the 2000 pound scrunched car advised Roy that the pants was in the glove compartment ( the drawer like compartment infont of the front passenger seat) ( how would you know if where the glove compartment is since the car is already srunched up into a cube?!!)
Finally the pair of trousers met its time when Roy tried to ship the pants in the midst of 10 000 pounds of jagged glass. Well, unfortunately a chunk of glass shattered and the pants was made into a pile of ashes.

Both brathers-in-law buried the pants with a special marker ( I'm sure it will be very "special") to remember their years of creative gift exchange.

Talk about exchanging gifts!! This two are NUTS!! If it were me I would have left it inside the 2 foot square crate.

So don't make your gifts hard to open........hehe...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


4. Karen
7.Jyh Chyuan
8. Shin Mun
9. Felicia
10. MinHui

1. How do you know 1 ?
Classmates n pretending to b Power Puff Girl
2. What would you do if you never met 2 ?
I will never learn how to operate machines.
3. What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
Errr.....dat will never happen( trust me!)
4. Will 5 and 6 make a good couple?
Someone's getting jealous
5. Do you think 7 is attractive?
He's fun friend 2 b around with.
6. Do you know anything about 8's family?
she's the youngest. Has 2 elder bros. Anyway i hardly noe.
7. Tell me something about 9 ...
Specky. Hates chili
8. What language does 2 speak?
9. Who is 3 going out with?
She wishes....(dreamy)
10. How old is number 4 ?
11. 5 ?
sixteen too
12. Who is 6's favourite singer?
Idunno....never asked b4
(grinnig sheepishly) I dunno too?
14. Is 8 single?
15. What is 9 last name?
16. Would you consider being in a relationship with 10 ?
There will never b one...if there is I'll hear high pitch screaming
17. Which school does 2 go to?
Government school with stinking toilets. Yeah, me too.( I shall copy Haze's ans)
18. What do you like about 3 ?
Sociable & not 2 mention fun 2 pick on (I hear groanings).Sori.........

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Amazing Woman Of Faith

I read this testimony in my devotional book many months back (around January) told by a missionnary about a women. When I read this, it totally blew my mind away. So I decided to share this to all you people out there. Here goes.....

There was a poor widow of two children living in Mexico. She was down with only a few cents. She believed that God will meet all her needs. So she prayed for three hours seeking God about what she should do with her 22 cents left. She sensed God asking her to go to a market nearby her village. She had never been there before. It was a large market so much so that she was overwhelmed by the enormity when she stepped in. There were 122 checkout lanes ( don't try shoplifting)! She then felt God telling her to take a cart and fill it with 3 months supply of groceries. She soon found herself filling the cart full. As she approached the counters, God told her to go to lane number 7. There was only one man paying at that counter. And after the man had paid for the groceries, the cashier pulled the chain across the lane and said " Sorry ma'am, it's my lunchtime. You'll have to go to another counter". The widow looked into the cashier's eyes and replied calmly " No. My Father asked me to come here". After waiting patiently for an hour the cashier came back and together both of them unloaded the items onto the conveyer belt. As the bill amounted the widow's heart started pounding as she fingered nervously on her 22 cents in the purse that she had. The supermarket was suddenly interupted by the voice of the manager of the supermarket over the intercom saying " Attention shoppers! Today is our supermarket's seventh anniversary. To whoever that is paying for there groceris at lane number 7, they will get all there groceries free compliments of our market."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bats.........Hate Them!

Sorry everybody I know I didn't update my blog for quite sometime. So here's my new pose....

Can any of you guess that evethough you live in the city you are are not actually bat free? Yeah...that's what I thought until my house was invaded by bats THREE times.Well last night was the third. And final time I hope...please.

That reminds me of the last time the bat flew right into my house. Was watching TV at that time whe it flew in. Well.......I just scream and ran.........I know that's a pretty dumb move on my side but i was really freaked out. As you all know bats are blind in light. So it was basically banging walls and flying everywhere. I guess it was just panicky like me. Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Thank God my grandmom manage to chase it out.

Ok, talking about last night.. at least we spotted the bat at the balcony before it had a chance to fly in. My dad wanted to chase the bat out but it just wont't budge. Decided to leave it alone thinking that it would soon fly away but it stayed there the whole night till this morning. Tried to kill it but unsucessful. Anyway I'm not really fond of killing animals as much as they annoy me. This morning my mom got fed up and just shoved it all the way down.Goodbye....

Lesson learnt: Always watch out for BATS

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Did It!! (phew!)

First of all let me clear something..I did not do that "it" for all you people who are thinking of something else.

I manage to speak in public...hah! Without stammering and going blank. That was one 5 minutes of my life. I actually had to share in YC today about the community service at Prima Selayang 2 Saturdays ago. I still don't know why I agreed to do this but I did it anyway. To be honest I was freaking out the whole week cuz 1. i really don't know what to say and 2. i have a bad case of stage fright especially since YC has a crowd but today there were lesser people. Anyway it went well. So it was great.


I feel so relieved now.......

Friday, December 5, 2008

Very First

Hey, everyone! Finally manage to post something after figuring out this blog thingy for quite some time (phew!). I know my blog is plain and boring. I'll make it more interesting next time, k? which means I must start doing more figuring out later. well sorry , i'm one tech dumb..haha

Ps: Ms Nut-very "nice " photos of me in ur blog!!! Hate the satay part...
Jyh- Thx alot...!!!