Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gift Exchange

Roy Collette and his brother-in-law, Larry Kunkel exchanged the same pair of pants as a Christmas present for 23 years. Each year the package became hareder to open.

It all began when Larry gave Roy a pair of moleskin pants. Roy wore it 3 times, wrapped it up and gave it back to Larry. This annual friendly gift exchange continued until one day when Roy twisted the pants, stuffed it into a 3 foot long, 1 inch wide tube ( about 90cm x 2cm...I'm not really sure but it is something like that, I guess) and gave them back to Larry. The following Christmas, Larry compressed the pants into a 7 inch square, wrapped it in wire and gave them back to Roy. The following year, Roy put the pants into a 2 foot square crate filled with stones, nailed it shut, banded it with steel, and gave the trousers back to Larry. When it was Larry's turn, he mounted the pants inside an insulated window that had a 20 year guarantee and shipped it to Roy. Roy managed to break the glass and recover the pants. Next Roy stuffed them into a 5 inch coffee can, soldered it shut and put it in a 5 gallon container filled with concrete and reinforcing rods and gave it to Larry. The next Christmas, Larry installed the pants into a 225 pound homemade steel ashtray made from 8 inch steel casing, etched Roy's name on the side. Roy had some trouble opening it but he managed to retrieve the pants (without burning it) by using a cutting torch. Roy found and hauled a 600 pound safe to a shipping department. They decorated it with red and green stripes, put the pants inside and welded the safe shut. The safe was then shipped to Larry. The following year, the pants were trucked in the drab green, 3 foot cube that was once a car with 95 000 miles in it. A note attached to to the 2000 pound scrunched car advised Roy that the pants was in the glove compartment ( the drawer like compartment infont of the front passenger seat) ( how would you know if where the glove compartment is since the car is already srunched up into a cube?!!)
Finally the pair of trousers met its time when Roy tried to ship the pants in the midst of 10 000 pounds of jagged glass. Well, unfortunately a chunk of glass shattered and the pants was made into a pile of ashes.

Both brathers-in-law buried the pants with a special marker ( I'm sure it will be very "special") to remember their years of creative gift exchange.

Talk about exchanging gifts!! This two are NUTS!! If it were me I would have left it inside the 2 foot square crate.

So don't make your gifts hard to open........hehe...